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Law Enforcement

CLICK HERE to learn more about Kansas Law Enforcement Liaisons

Enforcement Opportunities
(STEP) Special Traffic Enforcement Program 
(IDDP) Impaired Driving Deterrence Program
(NSEP) Nighttime Seatbelt Enforcement Program

Crash Statistics 

Uniform Fine Schedule

(subject to change)

Spring SAFE Enforcement

The Kansas Department of Transportation and the SAFE Program will hold a two-week seat belt enforcement beginning February 26 and ending on March 8, focusing on drivers and their occupants.

Enforcement of seat belt laws is the most effective way to encourage seat belt use and ultimately save lives. Various methods have been used to educate teens and adults about the dangers of driving unbelted.

We have learned that nothing impacts human behavior more than vigorous enforcement.

Please use your local radio, newspapers, TV stations, and/or social media to announce the upcoming enforcement. By promoting the enforcement, there should be no surprises. Our hope is everyone will take heed and buckle up, so no citations are necessary.

Ages 0-13 Fine: $ 60.00 plus Court Cost (KSA 8-1343)
Ages 14-17 Fine $ 60.00 No Court Cost (KSA 8-2501)
Ages 18 and Above $30.00 No Court Cost (KSA 8-2501)




4/20 Enforcement Campaign

The Kansas Department of Transportation and our NHTSA Region will be participating in the 4/20 Enforcement Period that will run April 18-22, 2025.

We have learned that nothing impacts human behavior more than vigorous enforcement.





The KDOT Community Traffic Safety Award Program highlights a variety of resources that assist in making traffic safety efforts in your community more effective, transparent, and wide-ranging throughout the year. 

The KDOT CTSAP award levels are Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

If your agency’s KDOT CTSAP application is not returned by the due date (March 15, 2025) it will not be considered. This is to assist in a quicker application process for everyone.

You can see in this application that the effort needed throughout the year to earn points and complete the application is minimal.

If you have questions regarding the KDOT CTSAP application, contact your Law Enforcement Liaison or Lori Moriarty (lmoriarty@dccca.org) and they can assist you.  

Thank you for your continued partnership in reducing fatality and serious injury crashes!

CLICK HERE to Download the Community Traffic Safety Award Application

Order DOSCI Card

Click here for upcoming trainings!

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