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Child Passenger Safety

Car Seat Basics

Need help installing your car seat? Your best resource is the car seat manufacturer's website! 
Most have videos that show you how to install your child's car seat properly. Used with your car seat manual, you will be able to safely install the car seat!

You can also go to cert.safekids.org and find a technician in your area.

Car Seat Types

Car Seat Glossary

Car Seat by Child's Age & Size

Safety Belt Law Card

Child Restraint Re-use After Minor Crashes

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among children, due in large part to the non-use or improper use of child safety seats and seat belts. Child safety seats and booster seats save lives. They offer the absolute best protection for children in the event of a crash.

Always read and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for your child’s safety seat. Some manufacturers always recommend that a child safety seat be replaced after any crash. Contact the manufacturer for guidance.

Current Crash Guidelines



Find a Car Seat Inspection Station

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