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CarFit Events

Discover your perfect “fit.” Attend a FREE CarFit Checkup!

CarFit is a FREE, interactive and educational program that teaches participants how to make their personal vehicle “fit” them to increase safety and mobility when they hit the road. Review 12 key areas of your fit to your car such as adequate space from the steering wheel, proper seat belt use, and properly adjusted head restraints. 

Learn how to use and adjust your safety devices. Each checkup takes about 20 minutes — this is not a driving test or mechanical inspection. For more information, visit www.car-fit.org.

CarFit is an educational program developed by AAA, AARP, and the American Occupational Therapy Association.

CarFit Checkup Events

To register, go to www.car-fit.org.

Check back for upcoming classes in 2025.

CarFit events may be canceled or postponed in case of inclement weather.

CarFit Training Events

If you are a technician and would like to volunteer to help with this event, sign-up below.
CarFit Technician Sign-Up
CarFit Reminder Checklist

Technician Training

Check Back for Future Events

Coordinator Training

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CarFit Instructor Kits

CarFit Kit Checkout Form

Large tote includes:
8 Collapsible Traffic Cones
7 CarFit Signs with Wire Stakes
OT Leg Lifter
OT Handybar
OT Swivel Seat Cushion
OT Seat Belt Reacher
OT Wedge Cushion
OT Key Turner

Small tote includes:
8 Traffic Vests
8 Clipboards with Hanging Files
8 Rulers
CarFit 12-point Checklists
CarFit Waiver Forms
Tire Info Sheets
Mirror Adjustment Sheets
OT Items List
OT 6 Tips for Driving Wellness


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